Monday, August 10, 2009



Khamis 15 Sya'ban 1430 / 06 Ogos 2009

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Kebangsaan Parti DAPSY YB Loke Siew Fook, merangkap Ahli Parlimen Rasah yang disiarkan dilaman blog yang mengutuk keras Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Pengerusi Malaysian Chinese Muslim Associattion (MACMA) mengenai isu anak luar nikah mendiang Teoh Beng Hock.

Disaat umat Islam menyambut hari mulia Nisfu Sya'ban, Ketua Pemuda DAP ini memilih untuk berkonfrontasi dan menyerang seorang tokoh pendakwah Islam. Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee dalam tulisannya mempertikaikan langkah menghalalkan "anak luar nikah" yang didakwa kepunyaan mendiang Teoh Beng Hock dengan tunangnya. Saya tidak pasti apakah menjadi dasar DAP menghalalkan perhubungan luar nikah dan "menghalalkan" anak luar nikah. Kita memang bersimpati dengan nasib yang menimpa mendiang Teoh, malahan ahli PAS dan juga PKR yang beragama Islam antara kumpulan yang banyak terlibat dalam demo atau bantahan terhadap kematian mendiang Teoh.

Saya sendiri antara Ahli Parlimen beragama Islam yang paling awal yang mendesak supaya siasatan segera dibuat atas kematian mendiang Teoh. Malahan Naib Presiden PAS YB Dato' Seri Nizar sehingga sanggup bersama menyalakan lilin dalam "candlelite vigil" memperingati mendiang Teoh. Tetapi isu menghalalkan anak luar nikah adalah satu isu lain. Ramai dikalangan masyarakat Cina yang ditemui menyatakan tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan itu, kerana seolah-olah memberi gambaran masyarakat Cina yang ramainya penganut agama Buddha dan Kristian meredhai perbuatan mengadakan seks dan mengandung sebelum berkahwin.

Pemuda DAP sepatutnya tidak bertindak menurut emosi dan kelabu dengan isu dihadapan kita. Dalam isu kematian mendiang Teoh, kita semua bersetuju satu siasatan telus dan adil perlu dibuat untuk mencari sebab-musabab kematiannya. Malahan satu inkues perundangan sudah pun dimulakan di Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Lumpur, dengan Suruhanjaya DiRaja akan ditubuhkan sebaik sahaja inkues tersebut selesai dijalankan. Tetapi dalam isu beliau menjalin hubungan seks sebelum berkahwin dan mengandungkan tunangnya, itu satu isu yang lain.

Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah berhak untuk menyatakan pendapatnya. Beliau adalah seorang berbangsa Cina, sudah tentu beliau juga tahu adat resam dan budaya masyarakat Cina.
Apakah Pemuda DAP tidak boleh menerima perbezaan pendapat? Apakah kita semua mesti sentiasa menari gendang yang dipalu oleh DAP? Sesiapa yang tidak bersetuju dengan DAP menjadi musuh yang mesti dikutuk dan diserang? Apa yang kesal laman tersebut menyiarkan komen yang menggunakan bahasa kesat, cabul, mencarut dan biadap terhadap Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan. Apa yang lebih biadap dan kurang ajar ialah mereka juga menyerang agama Islam, bangsa Melayu dan mereka yang convert atau memeluk agama Islam. (Untuk membaca lebih terperinci sila layari laman web tersebut ~ malangnya laman web tersebut telah dipadam).

Berikut adalah contoh bahasa yang diguna saperti:
"Who is this bastard of a Mohd. Ridhuan" (siapa anak haram Mohd. Ridhuan ini);
"What sort of fucking Dr. r u" (Dr pu... apa awak ni); "Has everything be reduced to your fucking religion (iaitu Islam)"(Apakah semua mesti menurut agama (iaitu Islam) pu... awak itu);
"R your parents still alive mohd ? If they r not, their bones must be rattling in their graves,if they r they must be hiding in shame to know that a son they brought into the world is now considered a bastard by every non muslim n also by real muslims"

(Apakah ibubapa kamu masih hidup Muhammad? Kalau sudah mati, sudah tentu tulang mereka berantakan didalam kubor, kalau masih hidup, tentu mereka bersembunyi dengan penuh malu yang anak lelaki yang mereka lahirkan dianggap anak haram oleh setiap bukan Islam dan Muslim); "They would b happier now if they had flushed u down the toilet when u were born".
(Sudah tentu mereka (iaitu ibubapa Dr. Ridhuan) akan bergembira kini jika mereka mengepam awak (Dr. Ridhuan) kedalam lubang tandas semasa dilahirkan);

"U have tainted your family with your stupidity for monetary gain. Your conversion was not through conviction, it was with an ulterior motive". (Awak telah mencemar nama keluarga awak kerana kebodohan mendapatkan habuan duniawi. Kemasukan awak kepada Islam bukan kerana keyakinan, tetapi kerana niat tidak baik); "As for your children they won’t be carrying your name. They will be ahmad bin abdullah or something akin to that. 2 generations down they will be saying “I don’t know who the fuck my grandfather is. He was an arsehole who brought shame to the family”. They will be like bastards who can’t trace a family history".

(Bagi anak-anak awak pula, mereka tidak akan mewarisi nama awak. Mereka akan menjadi ahmad bin abdullah atau yang sewaktu dengannya. Dua generasi lepas itu mereka akan berkata, "saya tidak tahu siapa pu... datuk saya. Beliau adalah pu... yang telah memalukan keluarga". Mereka akan menjadi saperti anak haram yang tidak dapat mengesan salasilah keluarga mereka). "If u can be the president of the chinese muslim association I shudder to think what the other chinese muslims r like………? Thieves, robbers, criminals or some other unsavoury characters".

(Kalau awak (Dr. Ridhuan) boleh menjadi presiden Persatuan Muslim Cina, saya tidak tahu apa jenis cina muslim yang ada......?Pencuri, perompak, penjenayah atau penyangak). Adalah jelas laman web yang menyiarkan kenyataan Ketua Pemuda Kebangsaan DAPSY ini bertindak melampau, kurang ajar, biadap dan keterlaluan.

Penyiaran yang dibuat:
1. menyerang peribadi seorang pendakwah Cina beragama Islam yang sangat dihormati iaitu Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah dengan menggunakan bahasa lucah, kesat, biadap dan melampau;
2. menghina agama Islam dengan bahasa kesat, lucah, biadap dan melampau;
3. menghina ibu bapa, keluarga dan anak-anak Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee dengan bahasa kesat, lucah, biadap dan melampau;
4. menghina agama Islam dan mereka yang memilihIslam seolah-olah keturunan semua mereka yang memeluk Islam saperti anak haram yang tidak mengenal salasilah dan keturunan keluarganya;
5. menghina kaum Cina yang memilih memeluk Islam sebagai pencuri, penjenayah, perompak dan penyangak.
Saya mengutuk dengan kutukan yang paling keras dan dengan bahasa yang paling tegas terhadap laman web tersebut. Apakah mereka berasa saperti cengkadak naik ke junjong; sudah tidak mengerti adab susila dan kesopanan ketimuran? Apakah mereka merasakan mereka golongan yang hebat dan "untouchables", sehingga orang lain tidak boleh berbeza pendapat dengan mereka.
Tindakan laman web tersebut sudah pasti akan menimbulkan kemarahan umat Islam dan akan mencetuskan ketegangan agama.

Saya dengan ini mendesak:
1. Ketua Pemuda DAPSY YB Loke Siew Foke dan Pemuda DAP meminta maaf kepada Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee khususnya dan umat Islam umumnya;
2. pengendali laman web www.sjsandteam.wordpress hendaklah meminta maaf secara terbuka kepada Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah khususnya dan umat Islam umumnya;
3. penulisan dan komen bertajuk"Ridhuan Tee must apologize to Teoh Beng Hock's family" hendaklah ditarik balik;
4. Pihak polis hendaklah menyiasat segera kenyataan tersebut serta pengendali web berkenaan menurut peruntukkan undang-undang sedia ada saperti Akta Hasutan dan Seksyen 298A Kanun Kesiksaan;
5. Jika didapati ada kes, pihak Peguam Negara hendaklah dengan segera mengenakan pendakwaan jenayah terhadap mereka yang berkaitan;
6. Suruhanjaya Multimedia dan pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan hendaklah membatalkan laman web tersebut;

Sekian wassalam.
15 Sya'ban 1430 / 06 Ogos 2009


Saturday, August 8, 2009



Antara mazmummah utama yang menghilangkan bahagia di hati ialah :

1. Pemarah paling mudah dikesan atau dilihat dan paling banyak di dalam diri manusia. Orang seperti ini jarang mendapat kawan dan hati tentunya tidak tenang.

2. Pendendam tersembunyi iaitu ibarat mengumpul lahar di dalam dada. Orang seperti ini sentiasa mencari-cari peluang untuk membalas dendam hatta secara yang kecil-kecil sekalipun seperti sakitkan hati atau tempelak orang yang didendami itu. Sebab itu orang pendendam mudah kena sakit jantung.

3. Hasad dengki- amalannya hangus akibat hasad dengkinya itu kerana ia memiliki sifat ketuhanan.

4. Bakhil - sentiasa merasakan orang lain menginginkan harta, kesenangan, pangkat dll. dari dirinya. Contohnya sentiasa berdalih mengatakan ia tiada duit. (rezeki yang diberi oleh Allah elok dikongsi bersama-derma) Allah lebih sayang orang yang fasiq tetapi pemurah tetapi benci orang yang abid tetapi bakhil. Kerana walaupun fasiq, pemurahnya itu tetap memberi manfaat pada orang lain kerana kadangkala rezeki itu Allah beri melalui maknusia

5. Tamak orang yang tidak puas dengan yang sedikit nescaya tidak akan puas dengan yang banyak kerana dunia ini ibarat meminum air laut....walau berapa banyak yg diminum tetap tak abis jugak...lagipun org tamak selalu rugi.. ** Ingat ! yang dikatakan harta atau rezeki kita bila ia dipakai atau digunakan oleh kita. Selagi tidak diguna iaitu disimpan, itu belum boleh dikatakan rezeki kita. (mungkin ada hak orang lain di situ) Biarlah rezeki itu sedikit tetapi mendapat keberkatan iaitu dapat dimanfaatkan.

6. Tidak sabar andainya perkara yang kecil pun tidak boleh bersabar apatah lagi hal-hal yang lebih besar. (oleh itu banyak2kanlah bersabar bila hadapi dugaan..cthnyer time keja banyak..tetap maintain vogue walau keja bertimbun atas meja..heh..heh..)

7. Ego - ibu segala mazmummah jadi ia membuatkan seseorang paling tidak tenang. Orang yang memiliki sifat ini pantang tercabar dari sudut zahir mahupun batin.

8. Riak terseksa sendiri kerana sentiasa tercari-cari peluang untuk dipuji. Sentiasa berlakun-lakun di depan orang. Jika ia dipuji, ia akan menambah amalnya tetapi jika dikeji, ia akan mengurangkan amalnya. -Allah marah kalau kita riak..takabbur dgn aper yg kita ada..

9. Cinta dunia - tidak dapat menderita, ....dapat pun menderita kerana bila sudah dapat susah pula menjaganya. Berhartalah tidak mengapa tetapi kawal hati jangan diletakkan pada harta itu. biler mati cuma bawa amalan dan doa anak yg soleh/solehah... Cinta dunia merupakan "neraka dunia" kerana dunia itu "panas" akibat ia merupakan barang buruan dan rebutan. Jadi letakkanlah akhirat itu di hati dan dunia itu di tangan supaya dunia itu senang dibahagi-bahagi dan akhirat dibawa mati.


Jadi yang meragut kebahagiaan sebenarnya bukanlah secara TOTALnya disebabkan kemiskinan, musibah, kesibukan dllnya. tetapi ialah MAZMUMMAH. Makin tinggi mazmummah seseorang, makin ia tidak BAHAGIA. Samada bermujahadah atau biarkan saja mazmummah itu, kedua-duanya tetap menderita tetapi andainya bermujahadah kita akan dibantu Allah dan akan bahagia jua akhirnya.

So..sama-samalah kite sentiasa ingat mengingati antara satu sama lain...andai kita terleka dengan dunia buruklah padahnya.


Friday, August 7, 2009



Pricetag to raise a child -- $291,570, says U.S.
Reuters: Tue Aug 4, 2009 8:46pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A middle-income family can expect to spend $291,570 including inflation to raise a child born in 2008 to adulthood, the government estimated on Tuesday, up slightly from the estimate made a year ago.

The estimate covers food, shelter and other necessities for a child to age 18, said the annual report by the Agriculture Department. The figure does not include the cost of childbirth or college.

Housing accounts for one-third of expenditures on children. Food accounts for 16 percent, the same as child care and education, said the Expenditures on Children by Families report.
Last year, the USDA estimated it would cost $269,040 to raise a child born in 2007 to age 18, including inflation. The USDA has made the estimates since 1960, when the estimated cost was $25,300. The department said it planned to have an updated "Cost of Raising a Child Calculator" on the Internet soon.

Annual spending for child-rearing ranges from $11,610 to $13,480 for a middle-income, two-parent family, the USDA said. Families with lower incomes will spend less and families with higher incomes spend more. Expenses are highest in cities in the U.S. Northeast, followed by urban areas of the West and Midwest. They are lowest in rural America and cities in the South.

(Reporting by Charles Abbott; editing by Todd Eastham)

NOTE: USD1 = RM3.6500

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

AKPK Free Services

Regain control of your life and your debts.

Through the Debt Management Programme (DMP), our counsellors will work with you to develop a personalised debt repayment plan in consultation with your financial service providers*.

AKPK does not provide loans or financing. Our DMP is available to all individuals who need assistance in managing their personal debts with financial service providers* regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia, provided that:

You have a positive source of income after meeting your expenses
Your total debt does not exceed RM2million
You are not under advanced litigation process
You are not a bankrupt
Dont’ wait. Do it now. Talk to us.
Call AKPK's toll free hotline: 1-800-88-2575 or any
AKPK’s office nearest to you for an appointment.

*Financial services providers comprise of:
All commercial banks
All Islamic banks
All insurance companies
All takaful operators
Development financial institutions (regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia)
Credit/charge card issuer (regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia)


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Discount 5%

Effective 1/7/2009, customer who's renewing their vehicle insurance direct with Insurance Company would enjoying an additional discount of 5% instantly. And shall get a discount of 10% by next year.

This news confirmed by PIAM despite grouses from 40,000 of general insurance agent nationwide. So better grabbed it in this time of economy downturn.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Biz in Full Swing

Save Money. Save Money. Save Money.... But how ?

Come to our representative in Bdr Puteri Jaya Sg Petani Kedah, so that you will understand. We help you to reduce your car insurance or takaful cost and not feel cheated by finance company.

Dont waste time.. Come or call us now...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Almost Completed

Almost completed when carpet was fitted by today. As my office desks already move in yesterday and just settle in few hours ago, awaiting the carpet guy finished their job, I am wondering what next thing to be brought in since I don't want my office room to be packed with all the 'things'. I just want a simple environment and nice settings, with a resting sofa cum bed, a 20" tv set and a computer for internet surfings...

Hopefully by Monday, I could do other things after 3 weeks continously supervising every details of this renovation works, make me mentally exhausted and need a bit of rest.

Just at midday, we got our first visitor Shahidan and his wife Amy, pay a visit and asks few thing s regarding the foreign TKI maid. They are expecting their first born twins on July and I am expecting two new prospects... muaa haa haaa.. Thanks for a visit.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Renovation half way

My office renovation works started on Thursday 19/2/09 and progressing very well.

Day 1 Thu 19/2 ~ Two frame wall completed, electrical lamp and aircond fitted

Day 2 Fri 20/2 ~ Another two framewall completed

Day 3 Sat 21/2 ~ Two double walling completed

Day 4 Sun 22/2 ~ One double walls completed

Day 5 Mon 23/2 ~ Final framewall and one double walling completed

Day 6 Tue 24/2 ~ My office glass wall and door fitted. One double walls completed

Day 7 Wed 25/2 ~ Front office glass and door fitted. Last double walss completed.

With my special tukang Mr Teh imported from cinta sayang resort...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Parent skills

What can you do for your kids’ education?
May 16th, 2008 by Halimahton

Answer: a lot.
In fact, there’s so much you can do that I couldn’t possibly cover the whole topic in a single blog post; instead, I’m going to talk today about just a few aspects of how you can benefit your child’s education. This article is aimed primarily at parents of kids who are already at school, especially those who have very little time on their hands.
Today I’ll mainly be talking about what you can do in the home environment to help your child do better at school. Your child’s home environment can contribute an enormous amount to his success in education, regardless of the actual quality of teaching at his school. As a teacher, I often encounter situations where a student vastly improves his results simply because his parents have become willing to reinforce or supplement the work he’s doing at school.
Spending time with your child
One of the best things you can do at home for your child is to have a Learning Time with him on a daily basis. The Learning Time is just an uninterrupted period with your child that is dedicated to supplementing and/or reinforcing the education he receives from school.
During this time, you can do anything from helping him organise his schedule to having an informal chat with him about what he’s done at school for the day. I’ll talk more about what you can do during the Learning Time in the next section.
Don’t worry if you think you are too busy to be able to spend much time with your kids, because the Learning Time need not take up much of your day. In fact, your child will benefit greatly even if you can only spare half an hour or fifteen minutes per day. Consistency is much more important than long hours, so a daily 20-minute Learning Time is preferable to a weekly 2-hour session.
What the Learning Time is all about
Before I talk about what you can do during the Learning Time, a quick word about preparation. Try to ensure that the learning environment is pleasant and relatively free of distractions. If lots of people are chatting noisily in the background or somebody is watching TV a short distance away, don’t be surprised if your child can’t concentrate!
As mentioned in the previous article, keep everything you do during the Learning Times relaxed and informal, so that your child associates his learning times with positive emotions. This is especially true if he is not used to discussing his schoolwork with you.
If you’re just starting out, all you need to do in the first few Learning Times is familiarise yourself with your child’s work and how he likes to do things. This is all part of getting to know your child. Here are a few obvious ways in which you can do this:
Ask him if you can look through his books/notes. This will give you the clearest idea of what topics he’s studying, the quality of his work, and his strong and weak points.
Have an informal chat about what he’s been doing at school. Many children prefer to answer more specific questions than “what have you been doing at school?”, in which case you should just ask him exactly what subjects he’s been studying. Ask him what he likes and dislikes about school, and what he would change if he could.
Some children prefer writing to talking; if your child is like this, then ask him to write about what he’s studying at school, his favourite and least-liked subjects, what he’d like to improve on, and so on.
Once you’ve familiarised yourself with what your child is doing at school, you can start thinking about how you can use the Learning Times to help him. Exactly what you do during the Learning Time will vary depending on how old your child is, what he’s studying, his interests, and how he likes to learn. I give some examples of things you can try below — notice that you can provide a lot of help to a child even if you don’t fully understand the subjects he’s studying.
Use the Learning Time to talk about your child’s homework. You can ask him if any homework needs to be handed in soon, and provide him with encouragement if necessary (but don’t do his homework for him!).
If he has little motivation for his studies, it’s up to you to be the motivator! Provide incentives, give him praise for each small effort, look for ways to make his studies fun, and so on. See the last article for more details on how to do this.
Help him improve his understanding of his work by asking him to explain some aspects of a topic he’s studying to you. Tell him that you don’t know much about the subject and would like to learn; many children enjoy being the “teacher” for a change!
Initially, keep your questions simple to make things easy for him, and don’t worry if his explanations aren’t perfect. Try to guide him towards the right way of thinking (e.g. by asking good questions) instead of just telling him that he’s wrong.
Similarly to item 3, you could ask him to write an essay about any aspect of a subject he’s studying. In his essays, he could write about what he knows about a certain topic, what he likes or dislikes about it, why he thinks the subject is worth (or not worth!) studying, etc. Again, remember to keep things simple at first, especially if he’s not used to writing.
Study skills 1: Help your child organise his work. Exactly how you do this depends on your child’s preferences: for example, he could write summary sheets for each subject, structure his books/notes on each subject in a consistent manner, or learn how to make use of colour-coded folders, sticky notes, etc. You could also help him improve the presentation (i.e. the general layout) of his work; even good students often have problems presenting their work, and it can affect the way they think about problems.
Study skills 2: Suggest or help him gather resources to aid him in his studies. This can involve anything from acquiring information from books and the Internet to encouraging him to ask questions of his teachers and other people. Knowing how to make the most of one’s available resources is a skill many children lack, and hunting for useful materials can be a fun little excursion in its own right.
Study skills 3: Help your child plan his work. He could make a timetable showing what he plans to do in each day (and you can both see whether he actually followed the plan!); alternately, he could keep a “school journal” so he can keep track of work that needs to be done, write down important deadlines and key dates, identify his strong and weak points, and so on.
Study skills 4: If your child is revising for exams, you can discuss strategies and come up with a good revision plan. For instance, he should aim to cover all the relevant material well before the exam date, so that he has ample time to practice on past papers. You can also ask him to explain topics to you (this improves the depth of his understanding — see item 3) or try some quizzes (see item 10 below).
If he’s stuck on a question you don’t understand, there are several things you can try: ask him to show you what he has done to try to solve the problem, make sure he’s read through the question carefully, ask him to look through his books/notes for material relevant to the question, etc. This kind of guidance will often enable him to solve the problem himself. As a last resort, he can look to other resources to help him with his problem (see item 6).
Alternately, you can try to learn more about the subject with him (which also sets a good example for him and shows him how you learn), or you can read about it in your own time so that you are better able to help him. I often do this!
Make a little quiz out of the contents of his books; ask him about definitions and terminology, methods, or whatever else is relevant. This is something you can try even if you don’t fully understand the material, because you can easily compare his answers with the information in his books. It’s also a good way of ensuring he has a comprehensive understanding of the material.
If your child is already a very good student, use the Learning Time to supplement his learning. Challenge him a little more by giving him harder problems and increasing the breadth or depth of his understanding. Look for resources (see item 6) and find things for him to work on independently.
Just have a chat with your child about something constructive, and not necessarily directly related to his schoolwork. For instance, you could talk about his plans for the future, or something casual such as what he would do if he had a million pounds and didn’t have to work. Constructive conversations like this are particularly handy when your child doesn’t feel like doing any work!
Don’t forget that when discussing your child’s schoolwork, it’s important not to make the mistake of thinking that grades are all that matter! The goal shouldn’t always be to get “the right answer”, but to improve your child’s thinking skills and the way he looks at learning and his schoolwork in general.
Finally, the atmosphere of your household also has a considerable effect on your child’s willingness to learn. If everyone else in the house — especially older siblings — spends a lot of time reading or doing constructive activities, it will be very natural for your child to behave similarly. The simplest thing you can do is to behave the way you would like your child to behave.

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Kuliah Dhuha...1

Utk renungan kita bersama, fikir-fikirkan dan banyakkan beramal, insyaallah.

Signs of weak imaan:

1. Committing sins and not feeling any guilt.
2. Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran.
3. Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat
4. Neglecting the Sunnah.
5. Having mood swings, for instance being upset about petty things and bothered and irritated most of the time.
6. Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example when Allah warns us of punishments and His promise of glad tidings.
7. Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr.
8. Not feeling bad when things are done against the Shariah.
9. Desiring status and wealth.
10. Being mean and miserly, i.e. not wanting to part with wealth.
11. Ordering others to do good deeds when not practising them ourselves.
12. Feeling pleased when things are not progressing for others.
13. Being concerned with whether something is haram or halal only; and not avoiding makroo (not recommended) things.
14. Making fun of people who do simple good deeds, like cleaning the mosque.
15. Not feeling concerned about the situation of Muslims.
16. Not feeling the responsibility to do something to promote Islam.
17. Being unable to deal with calamities, for instance crying and yelling in funerals.
18. Liking to argue just for the sake of arguing without any proof.
19. Becoming engrossed and very involved with dunya, worldly things, i.e. feeling bad only when losing something in terms of material wealth.
20. Becoming engrossed and obsessive about ourselves.

LISTED BELOW ARE WAYS TO INCREASE OUR IMAAN: ==========================================

1. Recite and ponder on the meanings of the Quran. Tranquility then descends and our hearts become soft. To get optimum benefit, remind yourself that Allah is speaking to you. People are described in different categories in the Quran; think of which one you find yourself in.
2. Realize the greatness of Allah. Everything is under His control. There are signs in everything we see that points us to His greatness. Everything happens according to His permission. Allah keeps track and looks after everything, even a black ant on a black rock on a black moonless night.
3. Make an effort to gain knowledge, for at least the basic things in daily life e.g. how to make wudu properly. Know the meanings behind Allah's names and attributes. People who have taqwa are those who have knowledge.
4. Attend gatherings where Allah is remembered. In such gatherings we are surrounded by angels.
5. We have to increase our good deeds. One good deed leads to another good deed. Allah will make the way easy for someone who gives charity and also make it easy for him or her to do good deeds. Good deeds must be done continuously, not in spurts.
6. We must fear the miserable end to our lives; the remembrance of death is the destroyer of pleasures.
7. Remember the different levels of akhirah, for instance when we are put in our graves, when we are judged, whether we will be in paradise or hell.
8. Make dua, realize that we need Allah. Be humble. Don't covet material things in this life.
9. Our love for Subhana Wa Ta'Ala must be shown in actions. We must hope Allah will accept our prayers, and be in constant fear that we do wrong. At night before going to sleep, we must think about what good we did during that day.
10. Realize the effects of sins and disobedience- one's imaan is increased with good deeds and our imaan is decreased by bad deeds. Everything that happens is because Allah wanted it. When calamity befalls us- it is also from Allah. It is a direct result of our disobedience to Allah.

Thanks BM for the thoughts.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dont Waste

Do as much as you could. Don't waste;

1. --Our Knowledge-- Wasted by not taking action with it.
2. --Our Actions-- Wasted by committing them with out sincerity.
3. --Our Wealth-- Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr. We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah.
4. --Our Hearts-- Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In it's place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else.
5. --Our Bodies-- Wasted because we don't use them in ibadah and service of Allah
6. --Our Love-- Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else.
7. --Our Time-- Wasted, not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds
8. --Our Intellect-- Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.
9. --Our Service-- Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunyaa
10. --Our Dhikr-- Wasted, because it does not effect us or our hearts.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I am very busy today same as yesterday and a day before. Right after signing tenancy agrement on that 10/2/09, our target running date was set to 25/2/09 as trial run. Starting by qs or pricing market to get office ready before that.

I manage to get electricity fitted and successfully tested today afternoon altogether with one unit of 1.5HP air-condition as started and three units of wall fan. For added security, the owner promised to fixed grill to all the windows.

Yesterday I went around looking for working desks and chairs for clerk and myself. Hopefully by Monday we could decide what type we need. Same goes to flooring either go for carpet or tiles. Some says that carpet would cost only 2k compare to 3x for tiles... May be I opt for carpet flooring due to budget constraints. Lives must go on...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Operation Office

Thanks Allah Taala for His Blessings. If all plans smooth as predicted, MNS Synergy Enterprise will officiated one office in Bandar Puteri Jaya mainly for General Insurance and Takaful businesses starting 1st March, 2009, and other business as well.

Tenancy agreement with owner of shoplot adressed at N0.113, 1st Floor, Jalan BPJ 1/1, Bandar Puteri Jaya, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darulaman will be materialised soon and afterward minor decorations and fittings will follow through. I have discussed few time to negotiated lesser amount of RM500.00 per month rental but unable to convince that lawyer owner. Anyway 2 year s+ 1 year optional is what we got.

So, those car or motocycle owner in area of Bandar Puteri Jaya, Bandar Utama, Bandar Perdana and Bandar Astana shall be able to renew their respective vehicle's insurance or takaful with no more required to go as far as town center just to do that. Why you need to go to bank for that if that servis offer available near your home and less hassle and with no extra charges??

We must and can save more in this time of economy slowdown. Think twice and think wise.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome To Insurance & Takaful Blog

Welcome to maa2121.

Our General Insurance service cater for MAA Assurance and Takaful Am by Etiqa Takaful.

Also, for those looking for Takaful products from Prudential Bsn Takaful Berhad, I am a QA reg. no 8A100047.

Just ask for quotations